Connecting Product Roadmaps to Business Value
With Derek Poppink & David Nack
Maximizing the value of product roadmaps requires more than just deeply understanding customers and muscling through a bunch of features. It requires that we bring together Product Managers and Enterprise Architects to collaboratively align the business and technology roadmaps.
It requires that the business and technology organizations each understand why the features on their roadmaps exist, how they’re connected, and how those features release value into the larger organization.
Learn how LeadingAgile Studios can help you get more value out of your Transformation initiatives.
About Derek Poppink
Derek Poppink is a Digital Strategist, Experience Lead, Innovation Facilitator, and Product Design Consultant; with more than twenty years of experience inventing products, advising business strategy, and collaborating with teams of executives, designers, and developers. Read More
About David Nack
David is a well-rounded digital strategy and product executive with more than 15 years of success in creating and building digital products and software platforms to deliver world-class consumer experiences and business value. Read More
Originally published at on February 24, 2023.